Submit Video

How to submit a video

Original works only!

Song(s) performed must be originals. No covers, we can’t stress this enough!

If you use sampled music make sure your samples are cleared and you have written agreements to use the music, you might be asked to provide documentation.


You must own all rights to the music and images used in your videos. 

If your video is too large to email please use a storage website like wetransfergoogle or OneDrive to send us a download link.


Submission does not guarantee airplay

UnraveledTV reserves the right to review all videos.

Possible reasons for exclusion can be. (but are not limited to)

Nudity, illegal activities, racist content, poor quality Audio and/or Video, obsessive use of foul language, cover songs, sampled music not cleared and threats and bias activities…


Don’t send poor quality

Don’t Suck! Have good quality audio and video. Avoid home videos or cell phone videos.   Remember you are representing your brand. What quality should I send? Look at the other videos on the channel and compare your quality to theirs.  Don’t submit long videos, keep your videos around 4 mins. No lengthy credits at the end of your music video. (Thanking everyone including the parking attendant).


Tip. Make sure your video has contact information placed in the video.

We make no claims

UnraveledTV makes no claim of a record deals, TV industry deals for youWe make no claims of big important executives scouting you work. (We just show your stuff).

Do your part!!

We can only add your video(s) to our rotation, it is up to you to promote UnraveledTV to your fanbase and friends  If we each do our part your video views will grow and so will your potential to add to your fanbase.

Big Tip: Link to your social media pages.





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